Who Needs Night Guard and How Does It Help?

Keith Neilsen
6 min readNov 9, 2023


Imagine a night of peaceful sleep, free from teeth-grinding and waking up with a gleaming grin. Night guards can make this not just a possibility but a reality.

In this guide, we’ll clarify the way night guards work and the significant difference they may make to your health.

Do you have jaw pain and dental issues when you wake up, or do your teeth grind or clench as you sleep? Are you experiencing this?

We’ll delve into whether night guards might be the solution you’ve been seeking.

By safeguarding your teeth with a night guard, you gain more than just dental protection. These guards, recommended by a trusted dentist in downtown Calgary, can ease your pain and give you the pleasure of a restful night’s sleep.

Join us as we look into how these night guards could change the way you live.

Your journey begins here, promising peaceful nights and a happier, healthier you.

What is a Night Guard?

Night guards are dental appliances designed to be worn during sleep, and their primary function is to protect your teeth, gums, and jaw from the adverse effects of nighttime teeth grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism. These guards are typically made from durable materials, ensuring their longevity and effectiveness.

Bruxism, characterized by the unintentional clenching or grinding of teeth during sleep, is a common condition that can have detrimental consequences for your oral health. It can result in worn-down tooth enamel, fractures, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

Night guards act as a barrier, preventing the destructive forces of bruxism from harming your teeth and helping you wake up without the discomfort often associated with this condition.

Signs That You Need a Night Guard

Maintaining dental health involves night guard detection. Symptoms include morning jaw pain, headaches, and dental sensitivity. Bruxism can worsen teeth problems without therapy.

  1. Jaw Pain: Waking up with jaw discomfort is a frequent sign of bruxism. This pain is typically located around the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects your jaw to your skull.
  2. Headaches: Frequent morning headaches can be a result of the muscle tension and strain caused by nighttime teeth grinding.
  3. Tooth Sensitivity: As the enamel on your teeth wears down due to bruxism, you may begin to experience increased tooth sensitivity, especially when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages.
  4. Damaged Teeth: Visible signs of tooth wear, chipping, or fractures may be indicative of bruxism’s impact on your dental health.

By identifying these signs, you can take timely action to address bruxism and its consequences through the use of a night guard. If you’re seeking dental guards that fit perfectly, consult a dentist near you for expert advice

Benefits of Wearing a Night Guard

Wearing a night guard offers a range of significant benefits, making it a crucial solution for those affected by bruxism:

Dental Protection: The primary function of a night guard is to shield your teeth from the destructive forces of bruxism. It prevents enamel wear, fractures, and potential tooth loss, preserving your dental health.

Pain Alleviation: Night guards can alleviate the discomfort associated with bruxism. By providing a cushioning effect and reducing the force exerted on your teeth and jaw, they can significantly reduce pain and muscle tension.

Improved Sleep Quality: With the use of a night guard, your sleep quality can markedly improve. The reduction in grinding and clenching can lead to a more restful night’s sleep, benefiting your overall well-being.

Enhancing Your Overall Wellbeing: By alleviating discomfort and improving sleep, night guards can play a pivotal role in enhancing your general state of well-being. This positive change often transforms into feeling more refreshed and alert as you greet each new day, making your daily life all the more vibrant and revitalized.

The Process of Getting a Night Guard

Obtaining a night guard entails numerous processes, and understanding these steps will help you make a well-informed choice regarding the type of night guard that most effectively matches your needs:


Begin by consulting with a dental professional. They will assess your condition, discuss your symptoms, and determine whether a night guard is the appropriate solution for you.


If a night guard is recommended, it will be custom-made to fit your mouth exactly. That way, you’ll be as relaxed and productive as possible.

Types of Night Guards

There are different types of night guards available, each tailored to address specific needs. Common options include soft night guards, dual laminate night guards, and hard acrylic night guards. Your dental professional will recommend the most suitable type for your condition.


Once your night guard is ready, it will be fitted to your mouth to ensure it fits comfortably and securely.

Regular check-ups are essential so that your dentist can assess the effectiveness of the night guard and make any required adjustments. You should see them every few months.

These procedures will ensure that your night guard is personalized to your needs and delivers the best protection and comfort. Protecting your teeth and gums during sports is crucial, and your local dentist may make a customized mouth guard just for you.

How to Care for Your Night Guard

To ensure your night guard serves you well over the long term, it’s essential to provide it with proper care. Follow these key tips for maintaining the longevity and hygiene of your night guard:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your nightguard using a soft, non-abrasive toothbrush and mild soap. Avoid using toothpaste, which can be abrasive and potentially harm the material.
  • Storage: When your night guard is not in use, store it in its protective case. This safeguards it from accumulating dust and bacteria on its surface.
  • Avoid Heat: Keep your nightguard away from high temperatures and direct sunlight. Excessive heat can alter its shape, compromising its fit and effectiveness.
  • Regular Inspection: Periodically examine your night guard for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice damage or changes in fit, consult your dentist promptly for necessary adjustments or replacements.

By diligently following these care instructions, you’ll extend the life of your night guard and ensure it remains a hygienic and effective tool for safeguarding your dental health.

Overcoming Common Concerns

Common concerns that often arise when contemplating the use of night guards, such as comfort, the adjustment period, and potential costs, are entirely natural. Here, we offer insights to help you address these concerns effectively:

Comfort: Night guards, especially those made specifically to fit an individual’s mouth, are often reported to be quite comfortable.

Most people get used to wearing them after a short adjustment period and discover that they are effectively invisible.

Adjustment Period: When you initially use a night guard, you may experience some adjustment. The feeling of a strange thing in your mouth may take a few nights to get used to, but the benefits usually exceed it.

Costs: The expense of a night guard can vary depending on the type and the fees charged by your dental professional.

However, when weighing the long-term benefits of dental protection and improved well-being, the investment often proves to be highly worthwhile.

Insurance Coverage: Ask your dental insurer about night guard coverage. It can make the investment more affordable and accessible.

Be aware that night guards usually outweigh these initial concerns. To help you adjust to a night guard, your dentist can offer advice. Our expertise and advice can help you completely utilize this crucial device for dental health and pleasant sleep.

Elevating Your Overall Wellbeing with Night Guards

With guidance from a trusted dentist in downtown Calgary, night guards become your allies in boosting your general state of wellbeing.

The most effective bruxism treatment is night guards. You can protect your teeth, sleep better, and enhance your health by recognizing early signs of teeth grinding. To ensure a good fit and results, night guards require consultation, customization, and fitting. Accountability persists.

Clean and maintain your nightguard for optimal performance. Implementing these basic tips can greatly extend its longevity.

Visit your local dentist near you for professional guidance on protecting your mouth and health. Night guards are simple but powerful tools that can change your life.

Make an appointment today to improve your smile and sleep. We prioritize dental health and will help you live a happier, healthier life.

